Here are a couple of 25 year old Plastic Surgery sisters who look like they are 40 thanks to their creeper dad who does surgeries on them because he’s some kind of pervert with a god complex. The kind of guy who wants his kids to look perfect, at least according to him, because he’s a plastic surgeon. Or maybe he’s embarrassed by his kids not being perfect, even if one of his kids is black trying to look white, because you can’t have a walking billboard for your brand looking like shit… That’s the rich Orange County way, I wonder if he’s done some vaginal rejuvenation on them…I am sure he would…because he’s more of a creeper then the dad who just jerks of to his daughter’s friends after a pool party… Either way, this is weird….but I guess the more I talk to people, the more I see they have Botox, even at 23, the more I realize people in the future are all going to look like freakish cat people… This is totally unnecessary shit. Really. I find this fake beauty ugly as fuck. Counter productive to actual beauty… The only plastic surgery I understand is a nose job, or tits if their tits are really bad, the rest of this shit, awful…
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Creepy Dad of the Day