Want Deepak Chopra to help you solve your problem or challenge? We are looking for videos to feature in a new YouTube original series titled “Spiritual Solutions”, launching in July 2012. You tell us your problem and Deepak will provide the answers – from the spiritual to the sublime to the just plain straightforward. No question is out of bounds, though not all will be answered. If you would like to be featured, upload a response video or email us a link to your video after reviewing the requirements below! And remember there are no stupid questions…but the responses are always spiritual when Deepak Chopra is answering them. Please share this video with others — you never know who might be in need of a spiritual solution! Video Requirements: 1. We are looking for succinct (1 min or less) videos that are interesting and honest. Feel free to be creative and expressive! 2. When you send us a link or post a response video, make sure your video is set to UNLISTED on YouTube. Your video must be new, not a video you’ve already uploaded and is public. You can send us links at: solutions@thechoprawell.com. 3. Please don’t include music or copyrighted images in your video (ie please don’t film yourself in front of a photo or painting). If you must, only use music that you create, that is from the public domain, or that you have a license to use. If you use licensed music, we will also need a copy of that license agreement. 4. Only submit your own original videos. If accepted … http://www.youtube.com/v/JqUFIxgYxnU?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Link: Deepak Chopra’s Spiritual Solutions – WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM?
Excerpt from:
Deepak Chopra’s Spiritual Solutions – WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM?
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