Doctors Say Fruit Juice Is ‘No Bueno’ For Babies Due To Rising Obesity And Cavity Cases

Getty Images Fruit Juice Ruled A “No-No” To Prevent Chunky, Rotten Tooth Babies It’s time for us to curb these chunky babies from drinking sugar. Even if its natural sugar. They’re still getting fat! According to new guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics published on Monday, children under one should not be consuming any kids of fruit juice, unless advised by a doctor. Fox 5 News  reports from Washington, that pediatrics based this new advisory on the rising rates of obesity and concerns about tooth cavities. Previously, 6-months-old was the recommended age to introduce fruit juices into a baby’s diet. Breast milk is still highly recommended at this age.   Dr. Steven A. Abrams, chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at the Dell Medical School at the University of Texas, and co-author of the policy statement says: “We couldn’t really see any reason why juice was still part of the potential recommendation for 6- to 12-month-old kids. We recommend breastfeeding or formula in that age group.” He also addressed the cavity epidemic in pediatric kids. “The problem is, parents will stick a bottle or sippy cup in the kid’s mouth and kind of leave it there all day. That’s not good from the calorie-intake perspective, and it’s sure not good for the teeth. What happens is, the kid then gets used to all the sugar, and then they won’t drink water.”  

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Doctors Say Fruit Juice Is ‘No Bueno’ For Babies Due To Rising Obesity And Cavity Cases

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