The heavy-metal remake of Conan the Barbarian hits theaters this weekend, and no big-budget ode to the glory of testosterone would be complete without some bodacious barbarian babes baring boobs! A mere 1 minute in to the 2011 reboot, Eastern European eyeful Aysun Aptulova bares her breasts as she’s tied up and prepared for sacrifice, and 29 minutes in Playboy bunnies Alina Puscau and Zlatka Raikova play sexy slave women who greet their liberator Conan the breast way possible- topless. Later in the film, Rachel Nichols appears to go nude in a sex scene with star Jason Momoa , but don’t be fooled- that’s the evil sorcery of a body double. We know what’s in store for the new, nude Conan the Barbarian , but what about the ’80s sword-and-sorcery classics? Join us after the jump to find out!
Go here to see the original:
Enter the Bar-BOOB-ian: Mr. Skin’s Guide to the Conan the Barbarian Movies [PICS]