Remember Monday, when we told you Antonio Gates — the San Diego Chargers player that wifed up alleged escort Sasha Lee — wasn’t so innocent himself? Well after we ran that story, we were contacted by a number of folks about Gates and his situation, including a friend who was well acquainted with the details of his last relationship with Elizabeth Patterson, the woman pictured above on the left. According to our source Elizabeth was once engaged to Antonio and even co-owned a business with him — a designer boutique in San Diego called “Elizabeth’s Closet” that also carried a men’s line handpicked by Antonio himself. “Elizabeth was with Antonio for five years, in fact, a lot of people didn’t even know that he was marrying Sasha because they thought he was still with Elizabeth,” Patterson’s friend told BOSSIP exclusively. “They spent last Christmas together in Tennessee and had been still seeing each other trying to work through their issues.” The friend says Antonio and Elizabeth met his rookie year and started dating. Patterson — who has an interior design degree — even decorated the home they shared in San Diego. During summers Patterson helped Gates care for his two children (by two different women) while he attended football practice and training camps. “Antonio has a checkered past too. Elizabeth really held it down for him, but there was only so much she could deal with. She started to suspect things and they broke off the engagement.” Ironically, Elizabeth’s friend says that she believes Antonio started seeing Sasha before his engagement to Elizabeth ended two years ago. “Elizabeth was living in the house still, in San Diego, and Antonio was making these trips to Los Angeles. Once, she pulled up to the house as Sasha was leaving.” Patterson moved back to New Jersey after the break up, but Antonio continued to try to make amends. The friend says he visited Elizabeth on the east coast during the offseason, while she also made visits to him on the west coast. According to Elizabeth’s pal — Patterson’s phone has been ringing off the hook with calls from her and Antonio’s mutual friends who are checking to see if she’s okay. “She was surprised,” says the friend. “She knew Antonio was seeing other people, and had heard of Sasha by name, but believed she was one of several girls Antonio was dating.” The friend says Elizabeth visited Antonio in Los Angeles six months ago and felt that something was off, but he downplayed the relationship as “not serious.” Then three weeks ago Sasha unexpectedly called Elizabeth.
Read more:
Exclusive: Antonio Gates Was Caught Creepin’ With Sasha “The Escort” By Former Fiancée