I heard about this story last week. Basically some people are blaming facebook for the rise of Syphilis is some UK towns where Facebook is most popular and Facebook is denying the claim, saying they are a place for friends and family to connect, which is the biggest load of shit I’ve heard in a while, when everyone I know has fucked at least one girl thanks to meeting on Facebook. Including me. Yes…I venture down that road if the opportunity is interesting enough…. Add Me Seriously, I’ve heard of people getting married cuz of the shit and Facebook celebrates that, but when it comes to good old premiscuous, unprotected sex, the fuckers deny. It’s simple…hitting up “friends” of “friends” makes things less awkward, it’s like a buffer zone, the gives people a sense of trust, that usually ends up in penetration and it’s free….. Either way, it’s an old story. Facebook are cocksuckers. They deleted my profile 3 times. They have even blocked sending porn sites to each other over chat. It’s really not our own profile or virtual space…they own it, they control it, and now they give you fucking Syphilis but the good news is that Syphilis or not, you’re still getting pussy and the fun thing about Syphilis that everyone forgets is that some of the great artists of History had Syphilis and shit makes you go crazy and justified sexually transmitted craziness is better than straight up craziness.
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Facebook Causes Syphilis of the Day