For Discussion: Should Chris Brown Still Face Probation For Dome Checkin’ Rih-Rih If She’s Back To Letting Him Bang Out Her Bajan Backside?

Should Chris Brown Still Face Probation If Rihanna Has Decided To Date Him Again? Yesterday, Chris Brown had yet another day in court to update the judge on the status of his community service activities and to evaluate his compliance with his 5-year probation sentence received as punishment for the felony assault charge he faced after delivering a brutal beat-down to his then girlfriend Rihanna back in 2009. via Huffington Post A judge on Thursday ordered Chris Brown to remain on supervised probation and make another court appearance after he completes an overseas tour. Brown remains on supervised probation for felony assault for an attack on Rihanna in 2009. He is scheduled to begin a tour that spans several countries in Europe and South Africa on Nov. 14. On the upside, in the almost 4 years since the incident occurred, Breezy has completed countless hours of community service , checked in regularly with his probation officers and at his court hearings, and has even “reconciled” with the victim of his vicious attack. Brown “appears to be making a sincere effort to comply with terms and conditions of probation,” a probation officer wrote in a report prepared for Thursday’s hearing. The report recommended that Brown remain on probation under the same conditions he has abided by since pleading guilty to the attack on the eve of the Grammy awards. Brown appeared at the hearing along with his mother and attorney Mark Geragos. He did not speak during the proceedings, and when he attempted to at one point during discussions of his schedule, Geragos joked, “I don’t dance, you don’t talk.” Brown is scheduled to return to court Jan. 17. However, on the downside of things, the former blonde-haired bad boy has also thrown public temper tantrums, lashed out publicly at businesses and the media for not supporting him , and even failed a drug test during the course of his probation. Not to mention becoming the poster child for a PR nightmare with his repeated questionable decision-making, such as choosing to dress as a terrorist for Halloween. Despite his troubled past and sketchy present persona, some feel that Rih-Rih’s choice to reunite with her lovesick loverboy, in addition to her letting the world know that she has forgiven him and still considers him “the love of her life,” should exempt him from continuing to face legal consequences for committing a crime against someone who now welcomes him into her life….and her bed….on the regular. So we think it’s time to address the 50,000 pound, bright pink elephant in the room and see what you think. What say you Bossipers? Should Breezy still have to face the music for puttin them paws on Rih-Rih in 2009, or is it all null and void since she’s back to letting him chop her down and feel her up?

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For Discussion: Should Chris Brown Still Face Probation For Dome Checkin’ Rih-Rih If She’s Back To Letting Him Bang Out Her Bajan Backside?

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