Genevieve Morton makes me laugh. I get that guys think she’s awesome because they read Sports Illustrated and Sports Illustrated told them to. I get that she’s a better looking version of Kate Upton, which isn’t really saying much…other than fat blonde chicks can get famous. I get that she might be coming to terms with her fleeting celebrity, you know it’s barely fucking there so she might as well push it as hard as she can. In doing that she’s posted and released her nipples in at least 2-3 photoshoots the last month. It’s like after a decade of this shit, she’s finally committed to making it work…and I guess I support it, only because I like desperation. I also like gold diggers and opportunists…who are just trying to get by using their tits… Her dream is to be a comedic actress in movies…my dream for her is to watch her eat her way out of an all you can eat buffet… Here are some instagram pics of her reaching for attention – tits get hits – let’s hope this time around it sticks – kind of shit… The formula…so easy.
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Genevieve Morton is Turning Up the Heat of the Day