Ghetto History: Eddie Murphy & Richard Pryor’s Joke About Bill Cosby Gave Us A Whole New American Phrase

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Source: Ron Galella, Ltd. / Getty Today is National Have A Coke Day, which also marks 132 years since Coca Cola was introduced to the world by pharmacist John Pemberton .   Pemberton was trying to come up with a headache cure and general pain reliever when he created the soft drink from Cocaa leaves, cola nuts and carbonated water.   But who would’ve thought that the simple soda would become America’s go-to drink and be apart of one of the most classic sayings in pop culture. Happy 132nd birthday, Coca-Cola! “Have a Coke and a smile” — Robin Frazier (@RobinSFrazier) May 8, 2018 We’ve all heard the saying “Have A Coke And A Smile” — but did you know it only stuck in the culture after a joke that Eddie Murphy told about Richard Pryor and Bill Cosby in his 1987 standup RAW ?   Coca Cola had a popular ad in the 80’s using the dull slogan, and their front man was none other than Bill Cosby himself. In Eddie’s bit, he revealed that Pryor once told Cosby to “Have a Coke and a smile and shut the f*** up.”   So the next time someone shadily tells you to have a Coke and a smile — you know just what to say to follow up.   Happy National Have A Coke Day! See Eddie Murphy’s full bit below: via GIPHY

Ghetto History: Eddie Murphy & Richard Pryor’s Joke About Bill Cosby Gave Us A Whole New American Phrase

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Ghetto History: Eddie Murphy & Richard Pryor’s Joke About Bill Cosby Gave Us A Whole New American Phrase

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Source: Ron Galella, Ltd. / Getty Today is National Have A Coke Day, which also marks 132 years since Coca Cola was introduced to the world by pharmacist John Pemberton .   Pemberton was trying to come up with a headache cure and general pain reliever when he created the soft drink from Cocaa leaves, cola nuts and carbonated water.   But who would’ve thought that the simple soda would become America’s go-to drink and be apart of one of the most classic sayings in pop culture. Happy 132nd birthday, Coca-Cola! “Have a Coke and a smile” — Robin Frazier (@RobinSFrazier) May 8, 2018 We’ve all heard the saying “Have A Coke And A Smile” — but did you know it only stuck in the culture after a joke that Eddie Murphy told about Richard Pryor and Bill Cosby in his 1987 standup RAW ?   Coca Cola had a popular ad in the 80’s using the dull slogan, and their front man was none other than Bill Cosby himself. In Eddie’s bit, he revealed that Pryor once told Cosby to “Have a Coke and a smile and shut the f*** up.”   So the next time someone shadily tells you to have a Coke and a smile — you know just what to say to follow up.   Happy National Have A Coke Day! See Eddie Murphy’s full bit below: via GIPHY

Ghetto History: Eddie Murphy & Richard Pryor’s Joke About Bill Cosby Gave Us A Whole New American Phrase

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