Harry Reid, Obama: ‘Light-Skinned’ with ‘No Negro Dialect’ Comment….Can You Imagine the 24/7 Continuous Uproar By the Left if a Republican Had MadeThese Remarks? Just Askin.

“I know this is old news but with the nov. elections coming up i thought it still pertinent, especially the hypocrisy part”. Harry Reid has embarrassed himself, the democratic party the people of Nevada and the people of the United States once again. This time it was more than just his run-of-the-mill insulting and demeaning comments, like the time he said that the people who visit the Capital ’smell’. Or the time he likened opposition to his health care plan to slavery. This time he made what can only be called racist remarks about the President of the United States, Barack Obama. A book about the 2008 Obama campaign, ‘Game Change’ written by Time Magazine’s Mark Halperin and New York magazine’s John Heilemann is creating a proverbial political storm in Washington, D.C. The book airs the dirty-laundry of many in Obama’s inner political circles during his campaign for the Presidency. Among the revelations in the book (and there are many) is that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was anxious for Obama to run for president because he’s ‘light-skinned’ and ‘doesn’t have a Negro dialect unless he wants to’. WHAT!?!?!?! http://www.rightpundits.com/?p=5307 added by: congoboy

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