Mr. “Kick, Push” wants to drop knowledge on you “unlightened” negroes. Lupe Fiasco Twitter Rants About Black Folks And The Justice System Saturday night after the “not guilty” verdict was announced in the George Zimmerman trial many of us stood gasping for breath in shock. The phones started ringing, texts started rolling in, and Twitter was teeming with anger, spirituality, and rants. Lots and lots of rants. One 140-character diatribe in particular set off a conversation almost as polarizing as the Zimmerman trial itself. While many African-American tweeters expressed their displeasure with the verdict and the seemingly unjust “justice system”, controversial (and semi-trolly) rapper Lupe Fiasco took a minute to dig in and let his 1.4 million followers know that their angry emotions were essentially invalid. One would think that the socially conscious Chicago MC would have words of encouragement or empowerment in a time when people are processing varying emotions that range from hurt to boiling rage. But no, Lupe decided to use his braided brain to kick up dirt instead. Flip it over a few times to read his rant. Do you agree with him or was he completely out of pocket? Image via Twitter
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Hate It Or Love It??? Pseudo-Revolutionary Lupe Fiasco Goes On Incendiary Twitter Rant About Hypocritical Black Folks & The U.S. Justice System!