Pre release, just about everyone had doubts about the commercial viability of Quantic Dream’s Heavy Rain. The interactive-fiction-driven PS3 game seemed a little pretentious, and it had such lofty, changing-the-art-form hype, that it could easily have been the kind of game people respected without actually buying. Thankfully, things didn’t go that way. According to the game’s creator, David Cage, Heavy Rain is selling really well. “We have sold more than 1 million copies of Heavy Rain worldwide,” Cage said to . “That was a surprise to many, since estimated sales were between 200,000 to 300,000 units. We estimate that by the end of the year, we will have sold 1.5 million copies, and are very pleased with the reception.” Not only does this mean the Heavy Rain team has been rewarded, it also means that the commercial viability of more serious games is obvious. Heavy Rain is not a sequel, It’s not based on a movie or a toy line. It doesn’t really fit into any established game genre, but it still sold many copies, just because it’s a good game. Hopefully, we can look forward to more games that take genuine risks. And thanks, everyone in teh gaming community who bought it. You guys rule. Now that Heavy Rain has been out for awhile, does it live up to the hype? Source: CG247 My twitter feed is here. My email is here. Follow me on twitter and let me know if you hear any interesting news. Quantic Dream – David Cage – heavyrain – Video game – PlayStation 3
Originally posted here:
Heavy Rain Racking Up Big Sales