As you may or may not know, I am a huge supporter of women’s surfer, I love their asses. I am a fan, even at the amateur level where 15 or 16 year old surfer girls named Holly Coffeey are involved, not because I know how to surf or offer any real assistance in the sport, you know I am not a mentor to guide them in anyway. I am not like a little league coach…playing hide the baseball in the poor father-less kid with the absentee mother with a crack addictions rectum…. I can however watch it from a distance on instagram…and not feel so bad about it…knowing that Instagram allows this kind of photography, they even make money off it, meaning it’s totally not criminal, totally legit, it’s just a girl in a bikini showing off how she excels in a sport…right? Instagram makes the rules people, not me. That said, it is safe to say, hormones in the food…are making girls start puberty sooner and sooner…an I am interested in seeing where Holly-Daze Coffey ends up by 18…I am thinking 40 lbs heavier and built like a truck like she was Kate Upton
Read this article:
Holly-Daze Coffey is the 15 Year Old Surfer of the Day