Holly Madison looks like Vegas trash, you know the kind of small town girl who leaves their farm life to make it big by ending up in the hospitality industry in Vegas because there’s more opportunity than their small town for bleach blond rednecks in Vegas as you can never have too many strippers or hookers…and because Vegas is just the “Greatest place on earth”… She looks like the kind of girl who like the floods of white trash, who confuses the generic bootleg Disney version of high class and 5-star as actual high class and 5 star, because anyone who has been to Vegas, knows Vegas is a fucking joke designed to make a couple Casino owners billions of dollars off a whole lot of morons….smoke and mirrors just like Madison’s sex appeal…Vegas was her fucking destiny, she just accidentally went a different route…. I can’t imagine that people actually care about Holly Madison or her cleavage since she’s an ex Playboy chick in her 30s, who has already been seen naked a lot and is pretty much faded and expired by now, and I guess that’s why I am posting this, because giving you what you want is just too easy and not very rewarding or satisfying for me.
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Holly Madison is Vegas Trash Showing Off Tit of the Day