I got the wonderful opportunity to speak with Justin Bieber. It…

I got the wonderful opportunity to speak with Justin Bieber. It is safe to say we all know about the controversial subject of him getting sick and throwing up on stage. Of course, every group of paparazzi had to talk to him about this. It happened on Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012. That morning when I woke up, I knew I was going to hear all about it from the kids in school, so I decided to wear one of my Justin Bieber shirts so everyone could realize that I don’t care about the hate and rumors, and I still support him through everything. I had no idea he was going to be on TMZ live that day. When I got home from school, my mom had texted me and said, “Make a Skype and add TMZ. They are going to talk to Justin.” Me, get the chance to talk to Justin Bieber? I doubted it was gonna happen. I went along with my day and did some homework until I received another text from my mom asking me to just try to Skype TMZ. Finally I just thought “never say never” and I made the Skype account . My name and email all had to do with Justin, so I guess the guy running the Skype had a feeling I really wanted to talk to Justin. He chatted me and asked me if I would like to be on the show. I replied with yes, so he gave me a list of topics they were going to talk about, Justin being one of them. I immediately answered with “I wanna talk to Justin Bieber.” The man chatted me back and said, “What is your comment about him getting sick?” I answered with “I would just like to tell him I feel really sorry for him that he threw up on stage but I think its great that he kept performing for the fans.” A few minutes later I got a message saying “Okay, great! Call us at 4:30 to see if you can be on the show” I waited til about 4:25 and I got a chat from them saying, “Harvey feels you have the best answer and he would like to put you on the show to talk to Justin.” I started freaking out. The people called me and gave me a short pep talk telling me that I could fangirl a little and then tell Justin what I had to say. Then, they called Justin and talked to him about what they needed to talk about. Towards the end of their conversation Harvey said, “Okay somebody wants to talk to you.” I was so nervous. I was shaking and I just said what was on my mind. “Um, Hi my name is Erica from Monroe, New Jersey, and I am a very big fan of you. Um, and I’m going to see you in concert on November 9th, and I would just like to say I feel very sorry for you that you threw up on stage but I think its great that you kept performing for the fans.” I waited a second. Justin then said, “Aww thank you, haha, thank you so much.” My heart literally stopped for a second . My dad then came in the room and said, “Erica, Justin Bieber knows who you are!” I held it together for the rest of the call, and as soon as I got done talking and I hung up I cried my eyes out for about 30 minutes straight. The man running the Skype chatted me and told me that Justin said he loved talking to me. If you would like to see it: click here to watch   (skip to 21 minutes). Even though I talked to him for about 30 seconds, I got to talk to my idol, and my inspiration. I have seen him twice in concert since then in NJ and Brooklyn. I have even met people from Stratford who used to know him and Pattie. Those experiences are a whole different story. I hope this is a lesson for everyone to really follow your dreams and NEVER SAY NEVER! I did not AT ALL think I was going to get to speak to him. But I thought never say never and I am a completely changed person thanks to him. Hopefully one day I will meet him, but this is all I have for now. Thank you! – Erica @ericaquigleyy Link: I got the wonderful opportunity to speak with Justin Bieber. It…

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I got the wonderful opportunity to speak with Justin Bieber. It…

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