Indian Cricket board suspends IPL chief Lalit Modi for corruption accusations. The head of the IPL Lalit Modi is now being investigated by tax officials. He denies all allegations of wrongdoing made against him. Shashank Manohar, the BCCI president, waited until the end of the IPL final on Sunday before he announces Modi’s suspension. He released a statement that the alleged acts of individual misdemeanors of Modi have brought a bad name to the cricket administration, as well as the game itself. Modi was suspended in participating in the affairs of the Board, the IPL, the Working Committee and any other Committee of the Board of Control for Cricket India. 15 days was given to Modi to demonstrate the reasons why disciplinary action should not be taken against him. He insisted in an address which he delivered to the crowd that the league was clean and transparent. He also added that there have been some off-field unpleasant dramas based on the unknown, half-truths and motivated leaks from all sorts of sources. The issue erupted when Modi revealed on his Twitter accoubt that Shashi Tharoor’s girl friend had invested in a consortium awarded a new IPL franchise in Kochi. This revelation has caused chaos which alerted Tharoor’s resignation and also led to government investigations into the teams, sponsors, broadcasters and event managers associated with the IPL. Indian Cricket: IPL Chief Lalit Modi Suspended Over Corruption is a post from: Daily World Buzz
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