Ireland Baldwin Swimsuit of the Day

Ireland Baldwin or dump truck monster woman brought out her 7 foot tall, 250 pound body into a bikini, because she genuinely thinks she’s a model. Which is hilarious. There was an Alec Baldwin Roast that I am hoping no one watched because comedy is a fucking waste of time. If you are inclined to watch it, I can save you an hour of your life and say that they basically covered everything I say here about Ireland Baldwin, not because I am some innovative thinker, but because her story is basically being called a pig on her voicemail while her dad was raging, that he dipped out and saw as little of her as possible, so he took the lessons learned from his failed family, and started a new one, with a tight bodied yoga instructor to offset the shame and disappointment that is Ireland….I guess it is presented more humoristically, but as sad and dark as it likely is for a young rich kid….who has deep rooted daddy issues leading to titty content like this. This is not a good thing. From shitty tattoos to shitty faces. Forever a shadow of her parents but at least her rent will always be paid thanks to trust funds and such. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Ireland Baldwin Swimsuit of the Day appeared first on .

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Ireland Baldwin Swimsuit of the Day

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