This disturbs me…while not entirely because it’s still a chick in a bikini…and I guess she’s also a chick putting herself on blast for people to praise her and tell her she is beautiful…because when you’re a fat chick…that only happens when pregnant…not to mention her tits are huge, hormonal and milk filled….cuz her tits are always relatively huge to begin with…something that also comes with being a fat chick…so maybe it doesn’t disturb me at all…even if the concept of women with things growing inside them…is totally unnatural sounding…even if it is the basis of or existence….and totally it just doesn’t make sense to me….and either do the people who find pregnancy erotic….I just assume they are lonely and dream one day they will have a women dumb enough to let this happen… Ultimately, it doesn’t matter.
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Jessica Simpson’s Creepy Half Naked Twitpic of the Day