But, IHOP isn’t safe anymore though??? Three people lost their lives to senseless violence at an IHOP in Nevada this morning, and the gunman was too chicken to face the music and at least explain why he thought what he was doing made sense. A gunman opened fire inside a Nevada IHOP Tuesday morning, shooting nine people – five of them National Guardsmen – with an automatic rifle, officials and witnesses said. Three people died. Among the dead were two uniformed Guardsmen, one a man and the other a woman, officials said. After his rampage at the Carson City pancake joint near the state Capitol, the gunman shot himself in the head. He died a few hours later without regaining conciousness, the sheriff’s department said. His motive remained unknown. A spokesman for the Nevada National Guard said a number of uniformed Guardsmen were having a regularly scheduled breakfast meeting at the restaurant. He said the gunman was not a Guardsman. Carson City Sheriff Kenny Furlong said he didn’t know if the gunman set out to target the military, but it added an urgent new dimension to the investigation. “You just don’t know if this gentleman was working by himself,” the sheriff said. Eyewitness Ralph Swagler told the Reno Gazette-Journal he had a handgun and could have tried to kill the gunman, but was afraid to open fire because the shooter had a powerfil automatic rifle. “This happens in third-world countries, not here,” Swagler said. Cops traced the gunman’s car registration, but did not immediately release the shooter’s identity. The nearby Nevada capitol, governor’s office and supreme court were locked down as a precaution. Swagler, who owns a barbecue restaurant next to the IHOP, said he saw the gunman pull up in a blue minivan around 9 a.m. He said the man shot a man on a motorcycle, then walked inside the IHOP and started shooting. After several minutes, Swagler said the gunman reemerged into the strip mall parking lot and began firing at his eatery, Locals Barbecue, and an H&R Block storefront. Then he turned his gun on himself. Tell us again how we’re not in the end of days… Source
More here:
Jesus Take The Wheel: Gunman Shoots Nine Random Strangers At IHOP Before Offing Himself