At least it wasn’t Michelle… She might not have made it. Kelly Rowland survived a scary moment Friday when the boat she was whale watching from was nearly swept away in strong winds. Via US Weekly reports : The former Destiny’s Child member was rescued offshore of Provincetown, Mass., on Friday, July 19, when the private rented boat she and her friends were whale watching in got caught in gusty winds. According to the Wicked Local news site, five people, including the 32-year-old singer, were on a day trip whale watching when the boat reportedly became “disoriented in the gusty winds and high seas along with the haze which lowered visibility.” Per Wicked Local, the group were able to contact the Coast Guard at the Stellwagen National Marine Sanctuary, where TowBoat US escorted their boat back to Provincetown. All were unharmed and reportedly OK. Indeed, an eyewitness tells Us Weekly that the “Dirty Laundry” singer was shopping in Provincetown the following day on Saturday, July 20, browsing local furniture, art, and trying out some saltwater taffy. Rowland’s due to perform at her next concert on Aug. 17 in Waco, Tex. We’re glad Kelly’s okay! Be careful out there girl. Enjoy some beach photos of Kel below: WENN
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Jesus Took The Wheel: Kelly Rowland Had To Be Rescued From Boat After Whale Watching Went Wrong