Jojo Levesque Shows Off her Necklace of the Day

Jojo Levesque was someone considered Jail bait at 17, because she had a music video in an era when people still jerked off to music videos, and watched them on TV. I never understood her appeal, because she was alway thick, a lot like a little boy, and really not very memorable…and I guess the rest of the world realized that when she turned 18 and the fact that she was illegal to lust after was out of the masturbation fantasies, people came to their senses….she fell off the map – spent all her money on her black boyfriend who you know violated…got fat…and now is on her comeback tour because she’s got mouths to feed and I guess she figures if she did it once she can do it again..and I’m just posting it because you can see her bra…not like that means anything, every girl who leaves her house who still bothers with bras pretty much show them off…but I am hoping at least one of you weirdos is still in love with her, still has the posters up in your creepy masturbation lair…and this helps you go on with your pathetic life. I am a hero like that.

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Jojo Levesque Shows Off her Necklace of the Day

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