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How would have felt if you turned on the BET (Black Entertainment Television) Hip Hop Awards and caught “The Cyphers” with Justin Bieber spitting a hot 16 ? It almost happened! DJ Premier, in a recent interview, revealed that “Justin Bieber asked if he could do the cypher and everybody was worried that might mess up the integrity of BET, I was like yo, as long as he got a dope rhyme, let him spit. But then we heard he wants Luda to write his rhyme.” Once Premier realized that tid-bit of information “I was like oh no, no, no, no. If you ain’t writing your own rhyme, you can’t do it, so Justin, you gotta take a backseat. Write your own rhymes, honey.” You have just witnessed a case of “When Being White Goes Wrong…” Justin Bieber Song Featuring Boyz II Men Coming This Year Meet Justin Bieber’s DJ, Tay James [VIDEO]
Justin Bieber Not Allowed To Freestyle In “The Cypher” Because He Wouldn’t Write His Own Rhymes?