British supermodel Kate Moss nude pictures value could reach as much as £30,000 when they are auctioned off on Friday. The black and white photographs taken in 1993, in Marrakech, Morocco. It was the time when Moss was shooting to fame as a 19-year-old. Scottish fashion photographer Albert Watson took the pictures which are now being sold as a “contact sheet” mounted on aluminium at Christies. A photography expert from the auction house, Alexander Montague-Sparey, said: “Albert Watson is a famed photographer. “He is known for his work in black and white and these photographs have a golden quality to them which makes them very attractive. “There is a contact sheet with 14 photographs and they are very large for contact sheet photos. “There was another print from this shoot which was enlarged and sold for £50,000. “The photographs are like looking through a keyhole into an intimate moment and they draw you in. “There is an intimacy between the photographer and his muse. She is crouching trying to hide as much of her body as possible.” Kate Moss’ Pictures Are Worth £30,000 is a post from: Daily World Buzz
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Kate Moss’ Pictures Are Worth £30,000