I would have thought Kate Moss would have been more into doing charity work for HIV, you know since she’s had sex with so many needle sharing heroin users over the course of her life and career, cuz dirty rockstar cock is her thing, making her at risk for the shit and maybe she knows it or that she has it and hasn’t made it public and that’s the real reason she’s doing this good deed, you know to rack up some brownie points in case their is a God and she needs to counter him when he greets her at the gates with a list of shit she’s done that makes her the vile fucking girl that matches her vile fucking vagina destined for hell….you know the whole bad mother, drug user, cheater, pig who did nothing good for society cuz she was too self absorbed only for her to say “but there was that Haiti charity thing, remember that?”……kinda thing…. Pics via Bauer
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Kate Moss Does Charity Show for Haiti of the Day