Ronnie Woods’ ex wife…the one who he married at 18 before beating the fuck out of her….at least that was the rumor.. Now, I don’t think beating girls is right…but at the same time, I don’t see it as a real shocker when a russian hooker you’ve been on drug benders with for a while….who is only 18 or 19….and dating your 68 year old ass cuz you’re a huge billionaire rockstar….and can get her exposure steps out of line…cuz she’s a recipe for disaster…sometimes…lessons need to be taught….and things need to be put back in place….and really she came out on top…and probably gets monthly payment…not making it alright…but with him she’d probably be in the gutter somewhere…so whatever…right? Well, as a billionaires ex wife, she’s making interesting moves….doing topless shoots….like she still matters…and as long she gets topless she still matters.
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Katia Ivanova Topless Shoot of the Day