FayesVision/WENN.com Get well soon… Tammy Rivera Reveals Breast Reduction Another celebrity has gone under the knife for a reduction. After K. Michelle and Amber Rose revealed that they were having reduction surgeries, Tammy Rivera of #LHHATL is sharing her surgical snipping. Waka Flocka’s wife apparently went under the knife and had a breast reduction via Dr. Jason Altman. Tammy who’s adamant that her bangin’ baaawdy is all natural, also joked that after slimming down her 32G breasts she should get another rib removed since people think her waist is fake. “Now I got to take more ribs out lmao let the haters tell it! ,” said Tammy. We’re wishing Mrs. Waka Flocka Flame a speedy recovery.
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Knifed Up: Tammy Rivera Reveals That She Surgically Snipped Her 32 G Tiddays