Kurt Russell to Replace Kevin Costner in Tarantino’s Django Unchained

Looks like Quentin Tarantino ‘s reaching into his own well to fill the shoes of his Django Unchained baddie. The Wrap reports that none other than Kurt Russell , who played Tarantino’s Death Proof villain Stuntman Mike, is negotiating to replace Kevin Costner as Ace Woody, a plantation henchman who works for Leonardo DiCaprio’s big bad. Battling against Kurt ‘n’ Leo will be Jamie Foxx as the titular slave-turned-bounty hunter and his German mentor Christoph Waltz (who recently injured himself training on horseback for the role). This Django ‘s turning into quite the QT party! [ The Wrap ]

Originally posted here:
Kurt Russell to Replace Kevin Costner in Tarantino’s Django Unchained

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