Here are some pictures of Lady Gaga because I didn’t wake up sick and miserable enough today, and felt I needed that extra kick in my testicles….but then again, in a lot of ways Lady Gaga is inspiring, and I’m not talking on a homosexual, she makes me feel accepted kind of front, I’m talking on a she’s so fucking ugly, has nothing going for her visually, looks like a clown to divert people from that fact, but still managed to win over idiots everyone and make millions off them…in what should never have fucking happend….she should be working a desk job, or telemarketing, or phone sex lines…she should not be thinking she’s the next Madonna with gangs of losers sucking on her dick….and that to me means pretty much anything is possible if you spin it the right way…. Here’s her bra leaving a hotel, that unfortunately didn’t burn down. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK
Lady Gaga Leaving Her Hotel in a Bra of the Day