Monica is still standing and keepin’ it classy Monica Remains Silent About Shannon Brown Cheating Allegations Despite going through private hell in a handful of relationships before finally settling down with her NBA baller boo Shannon Brown who put a ring on it a few years back, R&B songstress Monica has always kept it classy when it comes to handling her personal business in the limelight. Rumors of her Mr. gettin’ his sideline swerve on with a thirst-bucket groupie sometime last year have been making waves around the internet recently along with Instagram messages that allegedly prove that Shannon had his hand in the cookie jar since he’s been married to Monica, but she has yet to utter a word about it publicly. While we don’t doubt that “Miss Thang” is definitely handling hers behind closed doors, she’s also been attending games, planning birthday parties, and doing a hell of a job holding down her homefront in the meantime. Can’t be mad at that. Hit the flip for a few flicks of Monica and her son Romelo celebrating his 5th birthday over the weekend.
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Lady In The Streets: Monica Dodges Rumors Of Her Baller Boo Hubby Gettin’ His Creep On And Celebrates Her Son’s Birthday