Mckayla Maroney is doing the rounds, meeting up with the media, talking about the years of abuse she endured when she was an Olympian, and the whole thing makes total fucking sense to me… I remember when she just finished the olympics, she had some level of fame, was still underage and the perverts of the world…so many fucking perverts were sexualizing her…so many people were sexualizing her…it was before the whole MeToo thing… I used to say, this girl knew what was up, she was like a victim of abuse of a dirty coach and I was right… Not that I can spot abused women, but when a girl is 17 and putting up pics of her ass for a bunch of American perverts pretending to be patriotic and supporting their Gymnastics team….you motherfuckers should have paid more attention and got her help. That said, here are her tits for social media as she comes out of the woodwork…again…to promote herself, draw attention to a bad man, tell her story, who knows…but I do know it’s your American Duty to stare…
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McKayla Maroney Tits of the Day