Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman at the Black Swan Premiere of the Day

Here is Mila Kunis and Natalie Hershlag at the premiere of their new movie about ballet that you may feel gay going to see, but you won’t feel gay watching them prance around in leotards fucking each other….. To think this Ukranian Russian girl could have ended up working the circus juggling with bears, or stuck in line waiting for rationed toilet paper, or being kidnapped at 13 and thrown into the internation sex trade makes Mila Kunis substantially better than knowing she has a Home Alone fetish and rocks the Culkin cock despite it’s many rashes and diseases from his drug addiction club kid past. I saw Party Monster, I know how shit played out for him…. These are a couple of my favorite Jewish Vaginas in entertainment and I think they clearly show the world that Jewish guys should stop converting goys, but they have a decent pool at their local Hillel House to choose from.

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Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman at the Black Swan Premiere of the Day

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