Mila Kunis is a Dot Com Billionaire Asshole’s Wife and this is her Mom Cleavage of the Day

CINEMACON AWARDS sounds like some nerd shit…nerd shit that is probably part of the reason she’s living the good life… Not only married a pretty boy rich actor who was smart enough to link up with nerds and give them the money needed to create their ideas at the right time – making him a billionaire…you know exploit those fucks without really exploiting them because your celebrity co-sign makes them rich too…. But because a lot of her fans are just weirdo nerds who lust after girls they grew up jerking off to as the voice of the Family Guy or the 14 year old on That 70s Show…who married and got knocked up by her co-star after getting AIDS from Macauley Culkin…because clearly she’s a damaged Russian immigrant…confused about how things work…but totally fucking marketable, especially now that she has tits. I am not hating on Mila Kunis and her Milk filled tits. She’s hot. She’s not offensive. I don’t care that she married and got knocked up by one of the most annoying faces to ever be on TV or Twitter…I don’t care that she’s living the billionaire celebrity life and is probably a spoiled brat cunt…I don’t care that she gets cast in a lot of movies as the love interest…or the HOT chick….because that’ll come to an end soon enough…and they gotta cast someone…and I don’t care about her life, her job, anything about her…because she doesn’t care about me… Not once has she reached out, sent me an email, asked how I am doing, asked what I was wearing, sent me a pic of her panties, taken me out to dinner, paid my rent because you know she can afford it, or offered to breast feed me… In 14 years of doing this blog shit, she’s never sent me one Christmas card, invited me on one trip, asked me to go to a museum or grocery shopping with her…. She never thanked me for ripping into Ashton’s ex-wife Demi Moore for being the monster she is and worst of all…she never got me a gift basket… Where’s my fucking GIFT BASKET Mila Kunis… No…your tits don’t count…ok fine…I’ll accept them as my own…you haggard old cunt. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Mila Kunis is a Dot Com Billionaire Asshole’s Wife and this is her Mom Cleavage of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Mila Kunis is a Dot Com Billionaire Asshole’s Wife and this is her Mom Cleavage of the Day

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