Yeah…it’s official. It’s really no surprise that Mitt won the GOP Presidential Nomination today; Romney finished with 2,061…well over the 1,144 needed to claim the nomination but Republicans are not excited about Mitt. What many don’t know is that the Republican Party is severely divided. …the Republican National Convention has hardly played out according to the script that Mr. Romney’s advisers had written. The storm scrambled the convention schedule, while grass-root elements of the party loudly expressed their disapproval on the convention floor, threatening the images of a party united. Mr. Romney’s supporters passed new rules governing future primaries over the loud boos of Ron Paul supporters and other conservative activists who had objected to what they said was a power grab by the party’s establishment leaders. When the House speaker, John A. Boehner, called for a vote on the new rules, the chants for “no” were louder than for “yes.” Mr. Boehner ignored the protests, pressing ahead by saying the rules would be adopted “without objection,” even as the crowd continued to roar its disapproval. Despite the dissension, the task at hand remains: to use the most-watched moment of the Republican presidential campaign to humanize Mr. Romney in the eyes of voters with personal testimonials from his friends, his colleagues and — perhaps most importantly — his wife. The vote to approve the rules came after aides to Mr. Romney said they had reached a compromise with conservative activists who had rebelled against efforts by the Republican establishment to make it harder for candidates outside the mainstream to collect national delegates at the next convention. But grumblings persist among some delegates and other conservatives who say they do not trust Mr. Romney and organizers of the convention to have their interests at heart. “We were told no signs are allowed,” he said. Mr. Regi told him to try anyway, discretely handing him a poster. Who would have thought Good ‘ole Mitt would cheat and end up receiving an overwhelming number of delegate votes? SMH Source Images via WENN/Facebook
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Money Mitt Robney Wins GOP Presidential Nomination…And Some Repubs Ain’t Too Happy