Moochele "My Belle" Obama’s New Book…How to Vacation on Only 75,000 Tax Dollars Per Day

White House: Michelle Obama took $75,000 per day lavish vacation on taxpayer dime because one of her friend's father died or something. That $375,000 of taxpayer money that Michell blew in Spain last week? It went to a good cause – a father of one of her 40 friends that went with her had just died. From the Chicago Sun-Times via drudge: Inside story of Michelle's trip. Do not that writer Lynn Sweet is an Obamunist, but perhaps in trying to cover up the lavishness of the vacation with taxpayer money she might have done better not including this: A White House source told me that Blanchard's father passed away and Mrs. Obama was not able to make the funeral at the beginning of July. Blanchard had promised her daughter she would take her to Spain for her birthday. She asked Mrs. Obama and Sasha to come with. (Malia is at overnight camp.) “She felt it was important as a dear friend to do this,” I was told.… added by: congoboy

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