Source: Alex Wong / Getty Y’all Wack A$$ President is at it again. He spent millions of dollars on a 4th Of July parade in Washington, D.C. that included tanks and war planes and all the reminders that America has killed millions of people in its history. Ah, patriotism. The party was to be fully of his most strident MAGA-loving supporters far and wide. The whole charade was also accompanied by one thing Trump can’t lie his way out of: the wrath of Black Jesus. That’s right. The only explanation for the downpour that ruined Cheeto Dusty’s celebration was a good old-fashioned Old Testament smiting. As a result, 45’s insanely stupid party turned into a big old mess. Oh, also he did this: #TrumpParadeFail God don’t like ugly but hates stupid even more — just ramming the ramparts (@bfree2laugh) July 5, 2019 Yup. He talked about seizing airports…in 1776. Unless Area 51 has some REALLY wild s*** going on, we didn’t have airports to seize in 1776. This was all one big cluster freak and the reactions and clowning of that fool are instantly classic. Take a look… Everyone at the #TrumpParadeFail sitting in the rain — morgan (@morgancried) July 5, 2019
The rest is here:
Mustbucket Mussolini’s Merry MAGA Military March Got Messed Up By OUR God’s Magical Monsoon; The World Points And Laughs