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Source: RobinOlimb / Getty As the race for President continues, presidential hopefuls are making their way across the country to speak to the American people. At this year’s National Urban League Conference in Indiana several Democratic Presidential Candidates were in attendance. Each candidate present, was allowed to speak directly to voters and address their plans if elected in 2020. Those candidates included Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Ami Horowitz and Kirsten Gillibrand. See what each candidate had to say. Kamala Harris Senator, Kamala Harris’ campaign slogan is “for the people.” In 2016, she became the second African American woman in history to be elected to the U.S. Senate, and the first African American and first woman to serve as Attorney General of the state of California. She plans to restore justice in America and build an economy that works for everyone. Pete Buttigieg Mayor of South Ben, Indiana and former lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Reserve, Pete Bittigieg has been serving as Mayor of Indiana since 2012. He has made it his responsibility to make every resident of South Bend feel included and safe. He wants to build an America where everyone has the chance to find purpose and belonging in the economy and the country. Ami Horowitz Ami Horowitz is a documentary filmmaker. Now, he is looking to become the next President of The United States. He is the writer, producer, and director of Ami on the Streets, a short film series produced for Fox News. He says, “I believe in country over party.” Kirsten Gillibrand In 2006, Kirsten Gillibrand, ran for the House of Representatives in New York and won. She became the first Democrat to to represent the district in almost in nearly 30 years. In 2009 she was appointed to Senate. In more recent years she has been known for #Metoo advocacy and speaking on the power of women. Her plans focusses on heavily on family-related issues [ione_media_gallery src=”” id=”2467550″ overlay=”true”]
Presidential Hopefuls Speak At The National Urban League Conference [VIDEO]