I am a pug owner. In fact, the only thing that matters to me is my pug. Seriously, they are like little retarded people, with little retarded faces, who are always happy and half retarded, who need to be taken care of, because on their own they just can’t survive. Seriously, my pug has almost died at least a dozen times when I leave him alone for days at a time with no food and water. I’m joking, I take that fucker everywhere, and from eating dirty syringes, to trying to hang himself when excited to see a squirrel, to other dumb shit, they need to be watched. So seeing this pug, and his stupid careless owner get in the elevator, without him, and without letting go of the leash, makes me want to kill her and more importantly, makes me happy a dude was there to save the little guy. See, pugs remind me I have a soul.
Read more:
Pug Gets Saved of the Day
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