Janet Mayer / Splash News R. Kelly’s Atlanta Homes Robbed Not one, but TWO of R. Kelly’s Atlanta homes were robbed blind during Thanksgiving weekend. An associate of the singer named Alfonso Walker allegedly took everything — furniture, knick-knacks, the whole nine – out of Kelly’s Johns Creek home around November 26th while the singer was on tour in New Orleans. A maid came to clean the home and discovered that the home was completely cleared out . A neighbor reported having seen several men loading furniture and other personal belongings into a moving truck. But it doesn’t stop there. According to Daily Mail , Members of Kelly’s team also reported that another one of his homes in town had a number of items burglarized…so it appears that Alfonso may have hit a few properties. Sheesh, what good are all these young women Kelly’s allegedly keeping captive at his multiple homes if they can’t alert the cops to a robbery-in-progress? Getty/Splash
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R. Kelly’s Atlanta Slave Quarters Homes Burglarized By Men Posing As Moving Company