Republican party admits manipulating its donors into giving more money.

Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy Oh give me a fucking break! Michael Steele is not upset that his party uses these tactics to raise money. He is upset that the press found out about it. The GOP has been using this practice for years. Whether it be gay rights, abortion rights, or fear of terrorism, these assholes have no problem scaring the ignorant people who still support their broken party into smashing open their piggy banks and sending them their hard earned money. Hey simply frighten their constituents into curling up in the fetal position and then pick their pockets while they are too frightened to resist. Even ex-Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean is stunned at the lack of respect the GOP demonstrates toward it’s own donors. Visit for breaking news , world news , and news about the economy

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Republican party admits manipulating its donors into giving more money.

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