Republicans Throw President Obama Under The Bus! Obama’s Healthcare Law is a ‘Job Killer’

With really little chance to repeal President Obama’s greatest victory to date, the Health Care Law, Republicans in the House of Representatives are determined to shut President Obama down. All 242 Republicans voted to repeal what they’ve labeled the “job killer” aka, the Health Care Law, while every single Democrat voted against the repeal; making it clear they’re not budging! In their defense, Democrats argue that a repeal could lead to five million Americans with preexisting conditions being denied insurance coverage. They also claim that it would add $230 billion to the deficit over the next 10 years. So where was the Republican party when they had the chance to help jobless Americans?! Oh yeah, that’s right, they were threatening to cut off their unemployment benefits if Obama didn’t allow for tax cuts for the wealthy. Tis the season of hypocrisy! Source

The rest is here:
Republicans Throw President Obama Under The Bus! Obama’s Healthcare Law is a ‘Job Killer’

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