Rumor Control: Rih Rih Is Jealous… Drops Camel As Manager!

Did Rih Rih pull a BeyBey and drop her manager just days after Beyonce joined Roc Nation ?! Hovi Hov is trying to keep it in the family… but will Rih Rih catch a case of the ‘green eyed monster’ and sign elsewhere? “Just days after Beyonce dumped her father Mathew Knowles as her manager, word on the street is that Rihanna is getting ready to dump her manager Jay-Z. Sources are saying that Rihanna has a lot to be worried about now that Beyonce is part of Jay’s Roc Nation. The two divas will have to battle it out when it comes to endorsement deals, etc. and Rihanna’s people are concerned that there may be a conflict of interest for Jay, who will have to decide between his wife and Rihanna.” Now we all know Rih Rih doesn’t have a fighting chance against the DIVA of pop! Raise they white flag, and keep it stepping! Source

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Rumor Control: Rih Rih Is Jealous… Drops Camel As Manager!

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