Sarah Hyland is a Bendy Freak of the Day

I accidentally watch Sarah Hyland’s stories on a semi regular basis, I guess she’s tricked instagram into thinking I want to see what she’s up to, and for the most part, I get nothing from these glimpses into her life, other than realizing that she has some disease and has had a Kidney Transplant like she was Selena Gomez, 5 or 6 years ago, in what I find pretty insane to go through, and that it must have something to do with Kidney’s not developing properly when you have parents whoring you out to the entertainment industry… She’s working on a new movie, that involves dancing, and I guess this is how she stretches in what is clearly a total fucking fetish for all you perverts…cuz you can make the bendy doll get into any position you want…despite her looking like an underdeveloped premature weirdness…that you like cuz you’re into weirdly developed things as long as they have can pretend to put your penis in.

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Sarah Hyland is a Bendy Freak of the Day

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