Seth Green’s Wife Topless of the Day

Naked pictures of Seth Green’s wife is doing the rounds and if you’re wondering why any self respectful woman who moved to Hollywoods in hope of fame because she believed she had what it took to be the next big thing, but realized that for every young starlet, there’s thousands of aspiring losers competing for low level jobs they hope will get them notice or at least on camera….and some even agree to do nude pictures on their quest for fame to pay their rent, while other’s date obscure actors who can only get groupie pussy with a dream, and people like Clare Grant do both… That’s not to say that a rich, famous, awkward Seth Green shouldn’t get pussy becuase all famous people always have a pipeline of fucking pussy, but it is to say if he wasn’t famous or rich and just the funny kid in the back of her high school class, she wouldn’t have given him the time of day or even consider let him go down on her for hours at a time cuz he’s excited life has worked out for his dork self… So here she is naked, cuz that’s what Desperate fame whores do before they get into the right circles and meet the right people who find them hot and who they trap and marry when they have the chance to get them to a higher profile…and the whole thing is pretty fucking obvious…

The rest is here:
Seth Green’s Wife Topless of the Day

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