Running up on soft-azz JoJo Simmons is HARDLY a way to prove how tough you are…SMFH Earlier this year, Juelz Santana released his mixtape God Will’n which featured a song called “Soft” where the DipSet MC raps: “Far as that dough goes? I’m Russell Simmons, you Jo Jo,” The oft-forgotten Simmons sibling took offense to Santana’s quip and recorded this embarrassingly bad track “Holy Water” where he replies: “Now how you gonna mention my uncle Russell / Then disrespect his nephew / The industry forgot you / Fu***r, you nothing special, These ni***s hate to love you / Simmons will not let you / Compare your money to my money, boy that’s disrespectful.” “Why you have to call my name / Thought you retired / Boy, that little bit of fame you had / That s#!t had died / Tryna ride Ross’ d!&k to get a hit, you high / Sniffin’ lines in the studio, tryna come up with rhymes.” Yesterday, one of Juelz’ tag-a-longs posted the above picture on Instagram after a chance run-in with young Simmons. Apparently the “goon” name Hynief took it upon himself to defend his fearless leader’s honor and forced JoJo to get on the phone and apologize to Santana for “poppin’ isht”. We already know that JoJo wouldn’t bust a fart in a ghost town, but what’s worse is this Hynief character thinks he’s some kind of super thug for man-handling a frail-bodied Simmons kid. These new-age “gangstas” are something else boy…SMMFH If you never heard either of these struggle songs you can check them out on the next page. Image via Instagram
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Shook Ones: Juelz Santana’s Wankster Homie Lays Hands On Poo-Butt JoJo Simmons Forcing Him To Apologize For “Holy Water” Diss!