So There’s a Videodrome Remake In The Works [PIC]

Most Hollywood re-makes are subject to ire from passionate fans of the original(s), so get ready for that weird guy in your video editing class to be really super angry as Universal announces that they are re-making Videodrome (1983), David Cronenberg’ s grotesque exploration of televisual voyeurism. And while there’s plenty of opportunity to mess this up (Guys, just PLEASE don’t make it about a website instead of a TV channel. That movie already exists– it’s called Suicide Club ), we have some reason to be optimistic. The film will be the feature debut of director Adam Berg , who has been entrusted with the film after a series of high-profile commercial gigs like this one that are, we have to say, pretty damn cool. Ugh, wait, never mind. says that Universal plans to ” Modernize the concept, infusing it with the possibilities of nano-technology and blow it up into a large-scale sci-fi action thriller .” So like Total Recall (2012) but with more S&M. Speaking of, who will play the seductive superfreak so memorably portrayed by Deborah Harry in the original? We think that Noomi Rapace would look pretty good putting out cigarettes on her chest…or maybe that was just a dream we had when we fell asleep watching The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo ( 2009). Long live the nude flesh! See Deborah Harry in all her kinky glory in Videodrome (1983) right here at!

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So There’s a Videodrome Remake In The Works [PIC]

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