New Couple??? Rashida Jones was spotted lunching with Jake “I Chopped Taylor Swifts Youthful Cakes” Gyllenhaal Sunday in Los Angeles. The pair were spotted sitting side by side having a meal with friends, sharing laughs over something on her phone. Afterwards they showed his dog Atticus some love. Dang… Rashida is just like her daddy, she stay wit a piece of that “white meat.” Rashida has also dated Tobey Maguire and produer/DJ Marc Ronson — both who are now married. Jake, who is friends with Tobey, also has a newlywed ex — Reese Witherspoon. Guess they might as well get it in eh. SplashNews
The rest is here:
Something New: Rashida Jones Is Letting Jake Gyllenhaal Chop Her Swirly Cakes To Smithereens Now?