RHOA shade files… Kenya Moore Responds To Kandi And Porsha’s Drama In the ongoing lesbihonest drama between Porsha Williams and Kandi Burruss, Kenya Moore is showing that she’s clearly Team Kandi. As previously reported Kandi eviscerated Porsha who allegedly “heard” that Kandi wanted to slip her something so she could bring her home for sex.” “I will sue your a** if you keep saying that, you lying a** b***,” said Kandi who also admitted that sh wanted to “choke the s*** out of Porsha.” https://www.instagram.com/p/BRMwAK9jUao/?taken-by=realhousewivesatlanta Now Kandi’s buddy Kenya Moore’s coming to her defense and blasting someone who “has nothing to lose” and is thirsty for relevance. Kenya tells Bravo that “Kandi’s always been honest” and open about her sexuality and she was shocked to hear Porsha’s “sex dungeon” claims. “I was shocked. I know Kandi has been very honest about herself since I’ve known her, and I’ve often said she is the most loyal friend I’ve ever seen, even when she would take sides with Phaedra,” said Kenya. “With that said, Kandi has always been open about her sexuality, she has a sex toy line! I just can’t believe that the situation has become a real life movie: Sex, Lies, and Videotape. She also blasted Porsha for attacking and slandering people over the years and noted that her suggesting that Kandi drugged her is a “criminal act.” Bravotv.com: What went through your mind during the dinner in Hawaii? KM: It made me sick to my stomach thinking this is the lowest thing I’ve ever seen in this group. The same person has attacked, fought, slandered, and now spews accusations suggesting a criminal act. This cannot get any lower… You expect people to defend themselves or perhaps get angry over lies, but the real question is why would anyone need to defend themselves against a blatantly false accusation of attempted drugging or worse? I feel that certain people in our group have nothing to lose and enjoy the demise of happy couples, relationships or tearing down someone else’s brand in order to stay relevant. Sit down “liar!” What do YOU think about Kenya defending Kandi??? Instagram
More here:
Team Kandi: Here’s What Kenya Thinks About Porsha’s Drugging Claims