What is up with all of the bizarre creatures that have been washing up on beaches all over the world? We all remember the “Montauk Monster” which became so famous so quickly. Since then there have been a number of other unexplained sightings of weird creatures. These sightings are quickly becoming one of the great unexplained mysteries of the world. The latest bizarre creature to make global headlines comes to us from Canada. In Ontario, Canada there is a town called Kitchenuhmaykoosib (yes, that is the real name of the town) a few hundred kilometers south of the Hudson Bay. A couple of local nurses were hiking near a creek when they found that their dog Sam smelled something in the water. The dog went over and pulled the creature (it was only about 30 centimeters long) from the water and the two nurses were able to take some pictures of it. Later, when local residents of the area decided to go back and retrieve the body of this creature, it had disappeared. added by: Revelation1217