Top 50 Most Popular Women On The Web – Justin Bieber Included? Entertainment | Anthony McJagger | November 7, 2010 12:28 pm COED has just released a list of the top 50 most popular women in the web. They based it on the search engine Google which makes it kind of very accurate. The fans would want this either, as they can also see their idols in the list. As you can see, the list should be composed of just women, but why is Justin Bieber included there? Many are asking this question upon noticing a boy made it in the list, and guess what, he’s #7 on the list. Topping the list was Lady Gaga at #1, Ke$ha at #2, and Madonna at #3. As for the 50 Most Popular Women on the Web that Justin Bieber beat out? That list includes Angelina Jolie, Taylor Swift, Oprah, and Michelle Obama, to name a few. Apart from Lady Gaga at the top the next four spots were taken by Ke$ha, Madonna, Beyonce and Rihanna. Other prominent females on the web such as Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and Oprah Winfrey were all ranked on the list but all below Justin Bieber! Robert Dougherty over on Associated Content has also reported on this Top 50 list and tells us that Lady Gaga had 229 million page mentions according to Google. Although this list came out 2 months ago it has only just struck prominence and we wonder why more mention about Justin Bieber being on it wasn’t made at the time.
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top 50 women on the web and Justin Bieber