Ain’t that just like an ignorant azz ninja? SMMFH Detroit Lions Linebacker Justin Durant Says He Would Eat Chick-Fil-A If They Supported Slavery At this point the controversy surrounding Chick-Fil-A and their anti-gay CEO, Dan Cathy, has reached a fever pitch. Everyone and their momma has tossed two pennies in about whether Cathy’s comments are acceptable or not. Now whichever side of the argument you fall on one thing cannot be denied, those folks do make a damn tasty chicken sandwich! Detriot Lions linebacker Justin Durant thinks that the “sammiches” are SO tasty that he says he would eat them regardless of what the higher-ups support…even if it was SLAVERY! Check out what he posted on his Twitter page. That was the beginning of the end of Justin’s mentions as his timeline flooded with angry followers that were offended. Hit the flipside to see some of the hate tweets that Justin got and his responses. Image via AP
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TwitterFiles: Detroit Lions Linebacker Justin Durant Says He Would Eat Chick-Fil-A Even If They Supported SLAVERY!